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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

중독적인 블룸버그 주식 게임


Thursday, August 11, 2016

급상승하는 전월세와 종부세의 관계

나는 최근에 급상승하는 전월세는 노무현 때부터 부가하기 시작한 종부세의 영향이라고 보고 싶다.

일반적으로 극히 일부의 사람만이 집 몇채를 갖고 있는데 무슨 상관 관계가 있다고 그러냐 라고 말할지도 모르겠다. 하지만 따지고 보면 집 한채를 갖고 있는 사람이 전월세를 내주지 않는다. 왜? 자기가 살아야하니까. 적어도 두채 혹은 3~4채 갖고 있는 사람들이 전월세를 내준다. 심지어는 아예 건물을 짓고 업으로 삼는 사람들도 있다. 이런 사람들에게 과도한 종부세를 매기게 되면 그 피해를 전월세 사는 사람들에게 전가할수밖에 없다.

현재의 종부세는 최고 1% 정도다. 10억 짜리 아파트의 1%면 천만원이고 이를 월별로 나누면 84만원정도다. 월세를 84만원정도 매겨야 적어도 손해를 보지 않는다는 뜻이 된다. 당연히 종부세 부담이 가중된 월세는 그만큼 더 얹어서 나올 수밖에 없다. 월세 150이나 250은 이래서 나오는 것이다.

꺼굴로 생각을 해보자. 아 나는 월세가 너무 비싼게 불만이야 건물을 지어서 월세방으로 채운 다움 월세를 싸게 먹여서 줄거야 라고 마음을 먹었다고 쳐도 적어도 84만원 밑으로는 먹일 수 없게 된다. 손해를 마다하지 않는 자선 사업가라면 모를까...

적어도 강남 땅에서는 그렇다. 그리고 건물을 짓고 하는 경우는 더 더욱 그렇다. 외국처럼 우리나라는 건물을 통채로 임대 사업하는 사람들이 없다. 아니, 이런 임대 사업은 대기업들도 안 뛰어든다. 서로 경쟁을 해야 월세가 싸지기 마련인데, 월세만큼은 그러지를 않는다. 과연 누구를 위해서일까? 세입자 보호? 아니면 영세 집주인 보호?

사실 월세 가격만 싸면 집을 구입할 필요는 없다. 독일처럼 한곳에서 장기 월세로 살수도 있다. 너무 집에 집착하는 것은 재산 증식이라는 욕심이 있어서 그렇다. 무소유로 일관해서 집도 빌리고 가구도 빌리고 한다고 해서 문제가 되지는 않는다. 단지 가구도 빌리면 그 비용이 높아져서 문제지...

그래서 종부세는 폐지되어야 한다. 그리고 걷어간 종부세는 은행이자까지 쳐줘서 돌려주어야한다. 생각해봐라. 대부분의 집 있는 사람들이 무슨 돈이 있어서 종부세를 냈겠나? 다 전세에서 빼서 내준거다. 그러면 그건 나중에 폭탄으로 돌아온다. 그때가서 나라가 망하면 그땐 누가 책임질건가?

그리고 나서 전세는 월세로 돌리고 월세는 1제곱미터당 만원으로 강제로 제한해 버려야한다. 보증금도 2달치 월세금으로 제한시켜버려야 한다.

가계부채는 자연히 줄어들거다. 다들 집사느라 돈 빌린거니까.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

백제(百濟)의 어원 추적

네이버 중국어 사전에 백제의 제 자를 찾았다.
그 결과 아래와 같이 나온다.


단어 검색결과 (1~3 / 총 3건)
 [jì] 발음 듣기 단어장 추가
번체 (건널 
  1. 1.
    [동사] (물을) 건너다.
  2. 2.
    [동사] (금전과 물건으로) 돕다. 구제하다.
  3. 3.
    [동사] (일에) 도움이 되다. 유익하다. 소용〔쓸모〕 있다. (일을) 이루다. 성취〔성공〕...
 [Jǐ] 발음 듣기 단어장 추가
번체 (강 이름 
  1. 1.
    [명사][지리] 지수이(). [옛 강 이름으로, 허난(河南)성에서 발원하여 산둥(山东)성을 거쳐 보하이(渤海)로 유입됨. 현재의 황허(黄河) 하류가 바로 지수이()인데, 허난(河南)성의 지위안()·산둥(山东)성의 지난(济南)·지닝()·지양()은 모두 지수이()로 인해 붙여진 이름임] ☞[(jì)]

즉 백제는 중국 하남성에서 유래했고 하남 위례성도 여기서 찾아야 한다.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

박달나무의 숨은 진실

일반적으로 신화는 어떤 형태로 든 역사적인 진실이 내포 되어 있다. 다만 함축적인 의미가 담겨져 있기 때문에 마치 오래된 암호를 풀듯이 정성을 들이지 않으면 그 정확한 의미를 알 수가 없다. 그 중에 하나가 바로 단군 신화이다.
단군 신화는 단순히 신화를 너머서 고조선의 탄생을 한편의 서사시로 우리에게 전해지고 있다. 그 내용은 아래와 같다.

옛날에 환인(桓因)의 서자 환웅(桓雄)이 천하에 자주 뜻을 두어 인간세상을 구하고자 하였다. 아버지가 아들의 뜻을 알고 삼위태백(三危太伯)을 내려다 보니 인간을 널리 이롭게(홍익인간[弘益人間])할 만한지라, 이에 천부인(天符印) 3개를 주며 가서 다스리게 하였다.
환웅이 무리 3천을 이끌고 태백산(太白山) 꼭대기 신단수(神壇樹) 밑에 내려와 여기를 신시(神市)라고 하니 이로부터 환웅천왕이라 불렀다. 풍백(風伯), 우사(雨師), 운사(雲師)를 거느리고 곡(穀), 명(命), 병(病), 형(刑), 선(善), 악(惡) 등 무릇 인간의 3백 60여 가지의 일을 주관하고 인간세상에 살며 다스리고 교화하였다.
이때 곰 한 마리와 호랑이 한 마리가 같은 굴에서 살면서 항상 신웅(환웅)에게 빌기를, “원컨대 (모습이) 변화하여 사람이 되었으면 합니다.”라고 하였다. 이에 신웅이 신령스러운 쑥 한 타래와 마늘 20개를 주면서 이르기를 “너희들이 이것을 먹고 백일 동안 햇빛을 보지 아니하면 곧 사람이 될 것이다.”라고 하였다.
곰과 호랑이가 이것을 받아서 먹고 기(忌)[5]하였는데 삼칠일(三七日 : 21일) 만에 곰은 여자의 몸이 되었으나 범은 기하지 않아 사람이 되지 못하였다.
웅녀(熊女)는 그와 혼인할 사람이 없었으므로 항상 신단수 아래서 아이를 가지기를 빌었다. 이에 환웅이 이에 잠시 (사람으로) 변해 결혼하여 아들을 낳으니 이름을 단군왕검(檀君王儉)이라 하였다.
당고(唐高, 요[堯])가 즉위한 지 50년인 경인년에 평양성(平壤城)에 도읍하고 비로소 조선(朝鮮)이라 칭하였다. 또 도읍을 백악산아사달(白岳山阿斯達)에 옮겼으니 그 곳을 궁홀산(弓忽山) 또는 금며달(今㫆達)이라고도 한다. 나라를 다스리기 1천 5백 이었다.
주(周)나라의 호왕(虎王, 무왕)이 즉위한 기묘년에 기자(箕子)를 조선(朝鮮)에 봉하니, 단군은 곧 장당경(藏唐京)으로 옮겼다가 뒤에 아사달(阿斯達)에 돌아와 숨어서 산신이 되니, 수(壽)가 1천 9백 8세이었다 한다.

즉, 곰족과 호족이 경쟁을 하다 호족이 져서 내 쫓기고 웅족만이 남아서 환웅과 결혼하여 단군을 낳았다는 것이다. 그렇다면 당연히 생각을 하게 되는 것이 단군의 성씨이다. 일반적으로는 단군을 곰족의 우두머리로, 조선은 모계 사회로 그려진다. 왜 단군이 아버지의 성을 안 따르고 어머니의 성을 따랐냐고 물어본다면 아마도 조선이 모계 사회라서 그렇다고 답변을 할 것이다. 어쨌든 단군의 성씨는 곰족이니까 웅씨가 된다.
단순히 설화라고 치부할지도 모르지만 홍순 문화에 나오는 여신상과 곰발의 존재로 보아 웅녀는 신존 인물일 가능성이 있고 또 곰이 가지는 중요성도 상당했다고 할 수 있을 것 같다.
그렇다면 과연 역사적으로도 웅씨가 과연 존재했을까? 너무 오래전의 일이라 지금은 웅씨가 존재하지 않는다고 할지라도 문헌에는 과연 나오기는 할까?
우연찮게 찾은 결과인데 알고 보니 중국 춘추전국 시대 초나라 왕족의 성씨가 웅씨였다. 너무나도 뜻밖의 발견이었다. 초나라는 BC 1000년 경에 존재했던 나라이니 만약 조선과의 연관성을 찾는다면 아마도 기자 조선과 연결 고리를 찾아야할 듯 싶다. 그렇다면 초나라는 기자조선이 될 수 있을까?
기자 조선의 임금 수는 41명이었다. 초나라는 43명이다. 물론 임금수도 비슷하지만 41대 왕의 이름도 같았다는 점에 주목해야한다.
초나라 41대왕은 애왕(哀王)이었고 기자조선 41대왕도 애왕(哀王)이었다.
위만조선에는 3명의 왕이 있었다. 위만조선이 망하고 나서 조선이라는 나라도 사라져버렸다. 44대를 이어져 온 것이다.
초나라는 어떤가? 창평군(昌平君) 뒤로도 항우가 세원 의제가 있었다. 항우가 의제를 죽이고 나서 영원히 역사 속으로 사라진 것이다. 바로 44대만이다.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Final Fantasy XIII : Lightning Returns : How Will You Spend Your Final Days?

Final Fantasy XIII is making its comeback February 11th, 2014. On the last episode, Lightning went into a deep slumber. Now she awakens after 500 years, just 13 days before the end of the world.

By the end of  Final Fantasy XIII-2, people of the world of Nova Chrysalia had survived. However, they had lost the ability to reproduce as well as their ability to die. Thus, eternal life was ahead of them. Every one knew the end was near. They just didn't know the exact date. This was probably the reason most people in the world of Nova Chrysalia were able to live a normal life even though they had only thirteen days to live.

There are 4 realms to this world : a untamed wilderness Wildlands, a lifeless desert with holy relic Deaddunes, city of revelry Yusnaan and the devine city of light Lexerion. Each island is connected by a train. Between each island is a river or a fall. Each island has a unique way of acknowledging the end of the world.

Lightning will start her voyage at the outer realm and work her way into the center of the world. Her mission is to save as much souls as possible so that they have a chance of being reborn in the new world. Her former friends have become her enemy. Now she must battle her way through them. To make the matters worse, there are rumors that she came to end the world.

She only has thirteen days to complete her mission, however. Her time may be reduced or lengthened depending on what course of action she takes. To accomplish this, she may have to visit certain NPC that will appear in different time and location or save certain lives. She must take caution in saving lives as it may forward or rewind the doomsday clock.

Lightning is a character that symbolized the Final Fantasy series. A former human is now a legend who was responsible for saving countless gods in the previous episodes. There were several demands from the users that they want Lightning reborn as a character. Their wish are about to come to life as she is reborn as a protagonist in the new series Final Fantasy XIII : Lightning Returns as a direct sequel to Final Fantasy XIII-2, part of the Fabula Nova Crystallis.

The developer has struggled to maintain it previous Lightning characters; fast, strong and lengendary. The users will be able to experience the same legendary Lightning character they've only been able to watch. Now they will have the chance to experience it as they have always wanted.

Time is of essence though as they only have thirteen days in completing the task of Lightning. This system was introduce to give a sense of suspense. It also introduces a philosophical meaning to how you will spend your final days. Depending on what you do, the time may be lengthened or reduced.

The thirteen day clock is said to have been designed after the Doomsday Clock, a symbolic clock face, representing an ominous oscillating countdown, maintained since 1947 by the board of directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago. The clock is set as 11:55, 5 minutes to global disaster. It was said that depending on what is done about global catastrophe, the clock may be forwarded or rewound.

This thirteen day clock blends well with the new World Driven concept. In this new concept, players will blend with the citizens of Nova Chrysalia's and see the views of apocalypse in the citizen's point of view and help contribute to the story line development.

The game will feature some new game style. Players will be able to counter attack some of the monster's attack. Area Sweep, an area effect skill will be introduced. Also disabling certain areas may lead to weakening certain monsters, thus giving some tactical advantage.

Please visit http://www.lightningreturns.com for more information.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sherlock Holmes Crimes And Punishment Takes on Unreal Engine 3

Crimes & Punishments, the new investigation game developed on the Unreal Engine 3 by Frogwares studio, is set for release on PC and consoles in early 2014. Previously announced for PC, Xbox 360® and PlayStation®3, they now officially confirmed that the game will also be released on PlayStation®4.

Frogwares studios, the developer, has decided to change its engine to Epic Unreal Engine 3 as to the previous in-house engine, so the new series will be an important testing round for the company.

Even though the new engine will allow the developer to create an open world, due to its detective characteristics, the game will not be an open world. Rather than traveling from world to world, cities to cities, the incident will take place in one place, so if you were expecting a diverse world compacted in one area, this won't be the game of your choice.

The game does introduce some improved graphics and 14 new game mechanics. Thanks to the rich rendering from the new game engine, the player will now be able to investigate the key features of the crime scene, induce how the victim lived and what caused his/her death. The player will also be able to observe the behavior of the culprit, guess how he lived and reconsruct the past events that led to the crime incident.

The series was inspired from the recent BBC Sherlock series: BBC TV series that started in 2010, placing the Sherlock Holmes stories in the present day The series is known to show the protagonist's thoughts to the views in the form of texts. This is what Crimes and Punishments try to convey.

Players will have to look for clues and match all the puzzle pieces to solve one case. The result, however, may not always be the truth and may have accused an innocent person as some aspect of uncertainty has been added to the new series. For example, there might be three case scenario for the death of a single woman. She might have committed suicide, died of an accidental death or been killed by some one. Whatever the decision the player makes, the player will have to bear with the consequences.

The detective will have the power to release some of the real criminals back into the society if the detective sees it as no importance for the moment.

Most of the females portrayed in the former series were prostitutes and criminals. This may be changed and some normal female characters may be brought to life.

There is also the issue of the eerie Watson, Holmes faithful assistant from the former series as he follows Holmes where ever he goes. He would suddenly disappear and suddenly appear in front of or at an unexpected location. This feature has been added to the Crime and Punishment series.

Please visit http://devblog.sherlockholmes-thegame.com/ for more information

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dungeon & Fighter 4th Major Update

September 19th, 2013 Seoul Korea - Dungeon & Fighter will be undergoing its fourth major updates. As with most Dungeon & Fighter major updates, this will also be accommodated with a new storyline.

The storylines dwells on the theme of the destruction and the rebirth of the Arad Continent. As the story suggests, the world will be devastated and all maps will be made a new.

Thus the destruction of Arad and Saint Horn and the birth of a new starting ground, the Silver Crown will take its place. As the name also suggest, the place will be covered in silver. It is said the silver tree in the middle is the cause of this.

Along with this new starting ground, 38 dungeons, 5 special dungeons, 2 new class promotions, 300 new items and 170 epic items will be introduced.

To see what is coming and the new trailer, please go to http://df.nexon.com/?GO=pr%7Cseason4&intro=yes

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Travia2 CBT Ends with the New Kaya Tower

2nd CBT Coming on October

Seoul, Korea Sept. 11th, 2013 Zemi Interactive, Inc., Koreas leading MMORPG developer and service provider of a famous free to play MMO 4Story and “Travia2” has announced the successful ending of Travia2’s CBT and introduction of the new Kaya Tower.
The new Kaya Tower was introduced three days before its ending. The required level was changed from 50 to 30 to give the CBT participants the chance to play and give a hint on what is to come.
With only 3 days to go with the CBT, Zemi Interactive had decided to give the players the chance to taste the new Kaya Tower. Only 25 stories out of the whole 100 stories was revealed. Players had to go by the booby traps, obstacles and face the hordes of enemies swarming at them. There were different kinds of booby traps for each stage. The level of monsters was also be upgraded as stage passed on.
Kaya Tower is really a construction made by the Great Wizard Kaya which was made to watch over the sealed demon Rachhu who sought to destroy the world so few hundred years ago. Many booby traps and monsters were installed to stop any trespassers. It is said that the Tower possess a very powerful lance which was used to stop the demon himself on the very top floor of the tower.
As the first Travia2 CBT ends, it promises its return sometime in October as the second CBT. The official site is also scheduled for launch on its 2nd CBT along with its new cash shop. As an event, Travia2 will be giving out some CBT keys. In each CBT key, there will be certain amount of points. The players can use the points to purchase all kinds of cash items.

For more details go to the website : www.travia2.com

About Zemi Interactive Inc.
Zemi Interactive Inc. is one of the leading developers and publishers of MMORPG titles based in Korea since 2002. With outstanding experience and knowhow in developing 3 block buster MMORPG titles 4story, Travia, Dragon gem, Zemi Interactive has successfully globalized its products. The latest title 4Story has successfully launched in 15 language versions so far and has plans to launch 3 additional language versions by year 2011. Fun & Creativeness never stops at Zemi. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Travia2 CBT Begins

Seoul, Korea - Aug. 29th , 2013 - Zemi Interactive, Inc., Korea's leading MMORPG developer and service provider of famous free to play MMO "4Story" and "Travia2" has announced the beginning of the Close Beta Test for Travia2. The CBT will last until September 8th,. The level cap is set for level 40 and it will be introducing the new 100 story Kaya Tower.

Travia2 CBT will be covered an event. It will be a joint event with 4Story. If you level up to 30, you will get one free Sun Cap, one of the new item that was never released. Send in your suggestions or bug report, you will get 1000 4Story bonus points worth $10.

Travia2 is a free to play MMORPG and also a sequel to the famous Travia : Advent of Chaos. The first title was known to reach 38,000 CCU during its service. Zemi Interactive is counting on its sequel game to do just as much. The service had closed down due to some problems with the publishers. Players were urging for the game to come back. Now, it seems, their wish has come true.

Right now, there is a temporary CBT site in travi2.com. The official site will start when OBT begins around November.

Please visit http://www.travia2.com/ for more information.

About Zemi Interactive Inc.
Zemi Interactive Inc. is one of the leading developers and publishers of MMORPG titles based in Korea since 2002. With outstanding experience and knowhow in developing 3 block buster MMORPG titles '4story', 'Travia', 'Dragon gem', Zemi Interactive has successfully globalized it's products. The latest title '4Story' has successfully launched in 15 language versions so far and has plans to launch 3 additional language versions by year 2011. Fun & Creativeness never stops at Zemi.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Dungeon and Fighter Game Review

Dungeon Fighter Online is similar to classic 2D side-scrolling arcade hack and slash games, such as Golden Axe or Double Dragon. Players will traverse 2D screens while fighting hordes of monsters.

There will be certain types of quests available for reaching certain level. Each quest will have a certain storyline. These storylines will take you places and even give you certain skills to help you defeat the monsters on each stage.

High doesn't mean more exp in Dungeon and Fighter. You have to be quick and to be quick you will have to do the quests.

Time is the essense in Dungeon and Fighter. More than less, you will get more exp by completing the stage in the shortest amount of time.

Even with low level stages, the challenge will still remain as it still won't be easy to defeat all the monsters without certain types of items such has hp potions.

Beware of Goblin Pads as it will hinder you if you don't know the password for the Goblin Pad as it will disable you from purchasing or selling items from the merchant NPC.

Play style is much of the old arcade game such as Street Fighters. You will need to press Z, X, C, V button and the arrow key. Sometimes you will have to press the down arror and then the right arrow key almost simutaneously. Don't worry if you are not used to that kind of play. You can use the A, S, D, F, G button. You will also be able to use the Q, W, E, R button as the stage progresses.

There will be class promotion at level 15 and level 50. Infact, introduction of a new class promotion is considered one of the most biggest update.

The graphics looks like one of the games from the DOS ages, but it is quite impressive to see what they've done with it. There are state of the art animation in between, so if you didn't like the play style, you will surely like the animations.